This is probably my biggest issue with World of Warcraft – it is not a problem with the game itself. No, I love the game; I've been playing it since 2004 and haven't been lured away by any other game since. I've leveled up five characters to Level 85 for Alliance and two for Horde and no one looks forward more to the new content myself, but that doesn't mean I necessarily like having to go through low level content time and again whenever I level a new character. After 7 times through (in reality this is more like 20 times through if you include the times I've started and stopped) with different characters, I'm dead tired of starting over and it's even worse with new classes.
Which is why a product like the one over at had me all sorts of excited. If you've read any other class guides before, you know they usually don't offer much – I've seen guides that provide a decent amount of information about the talents and others that spend twenty pages on race selection, but none of them really touch on everything you need to know for the class and still leave me wondering what I should be leveling up at 20 and where to look for gear at 30.
But, over at ElitistGuide, I found a new product that actually touches on pretty much everything I need to know. Some guides are for beginners and others for veterans, but these class guides hit on every aspect of the class from start to end-game and that immediately makes them stand out. When you play a game like World of Warcraft as much as I have and there are still parts that you have not yet experienced, having to dig through boring introductory information can be mind numbing. These class guides skip right past those details while not acting like you know everything. So, you learn that a Mage's best leveling spec is Frost and that the gear you want is going to be from drops until you hit level 50, but you aren't beat over the head with it – it's a nice change of pace.
Basically, if you're still looking at your account dreading starting yet another new character because the Shaman or Paladin is just a bit too complex and you just don't feel like being pwned outright in world PvP, you need to visit today and take a look at these guides. The best part too is that if you are a beginner and know you will need more than one guide, they're offering a hefty discount for buying all 10.
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